Module Contents



Provides a connection to a single Google Sheet Tab, its properties, and its

class, tab_title, tab_idx, tab_id, column_count=26, row_count=1000, *, auth_config=None, sheets_conn=None, autoconnect=True)

Provides a connection to a single Google Sheet Tab, its properties, and its data.

  • gsheet_id (str) – The id string of the target Google Sheet that the Tab resides in; can be found in the Google Sheet url.

  • tab_title (str) – The name of the Tab.

  • tab_idx (int) – The index (0-based) of the Tab in the Google Sheet.

  • tab_id (int) – The id of the Tab, can be found in the Google Sheet url (after gid=).

  • column_count (int, optional) – The starting number of columns in the Tab, defaults to 26.

  • row_count (int, optional) – The starting number of rows in the Tab, defaults to 1000.

  • auth_config (AuthConfig, optional) – Optional custom AuthConfig, defaults to None.

  • sheets_conn (SheetsConnection, optional) – Optional manually created SheetsConnection, defaults to None.

  • autoconnect (bool, optional) – If you want to instantiate a Tab without immediately checking your authentication credentials and connection to the Google Sheets api, set this to False, defaults to True.

property tab_id: int

Returns: int: This Tab’s id. Matches the gid of the parent GSheet’s url.

Return type


property format_grid: autodrive.formatting.format_tab.TabGridFormatting

Returns: TabGridFormatting: An object with grid formatting methods.

Return type


property format_text: autodrive.formatting.format_tab.TabTextFormatting

Returns: TabTextFormatting: An object with text formatting methods.

Return type


property format_cell: autodrive.formatting.format_tab.TabCellFormatting

Returns: TabCellFormatting: An object with cell formatting methods.

Return type


property title: str

Returns: str: The name of this Tab.

Return type


property index: int

Returns: int: The (0-based) index location of this Tab among the other Tabs on the parent GSheet.

Return type


property column_count: int

Returns: int: The number of columns in this Tab.

Return type


property row_count: int

Returns: int: The number of rows in this Tab.

Return type


property range_str: str

The string representation of the range specified by this Component.



Return type


property range: autodrive.interfaces.FullRange

Returns: FullRange: The FullRange representation of the range specified by this Component.

Return type


property values: List[List[Any]]

Returns: List[List[Any]]: The fetched data values in this Component’s cells.

Return type


property formats: List[List[Dict[str, Any]]]

Returns: List[List[Dict[str, Any]]]: The fetched formatting properties of this Component’s cells.

Return type

List[List[Dict[str, Any]]]

property data_shape: Tuple[int, int]

Returns: Tuple[int, int]: The row length and column width of this Component’s data.

Return type

Tuple[int, int]

property requests: List[Dict[str, Any]]

Returns: List[Dict[str, Any]]: The list of current (uncommitted) requests.

Return type

List[Dict[str, Any]]

property conn: autodrive.connection.SheetsConnection

The view’s SheetsConnection.

Return type



NoConnectionError – If the view’s connection is null.

property auth: autodrive.interfaces.AuthConfig

The view’s AuthConfig.

Return type



NoConnectionError – If the view’s auth config is null.

property gsheet_id: str

Returns: str: The id of the Google Sheet this view is connected to.

Return type



Gets the latest metadata from the API for this Tab. Re-populates tab properties like row and column count.


This method will cause a request to be posted to the relevant Google API immediately.


This GSheet

Return type


classmethod from_properties(gsheet_id, properties, auth_config=None, sheets_conn=None, autoconnect=True)

Generates a Tab assigned to the passed gsheet_id with the passed tab properties dictionary from a SheetsConnection.get_properties call.

Unless you have a special use-case, it is probably more trouble than it’s worth to try to instantiate a Tab with this method, as it is designed for use by other Autodrive objects.

  • gsheet_id (str) – The id of the parent GSheet.

  • properties (Dict[str, Any]) – A properties dictionary, which must contain index, SheetId, title, and gridProperties keys. The gridProperties must be a dictionary containing columnCount and rowCount keys.

  • auth_config (AuthConfig, optional) – Optional custom AuthConfig, defaults to None.

  • sheets_conn (SheetsConnection, optional) – Optional manually created SheetsConnection, defaults to None.

  • autoconnect (bool, optional) – If you want to instantiate a Tab without immediately checking your authentication credentials and connection to the Google Sheets api, set this to False, defaults to True.


A Tab with the values from the passed properties dictionary.

Return type



Generates a FullRange object corresponding to the full range of the Tab.


A FullRange from A1:the end of the Tab.

Return type


get_data(rng=None, value_type=EffectiveVal)

Gets the data from the cells of this Tab.


This method will cause a request to be posted to the relevant Google API immediately.

  • rng (FullRange | HalfRange, optional) – An optional range value, to specify a subset of the Tab’s values to get, defaults to None, which fetches all values in the Tab.

  • value_type (GoogleValueType, optional) – Allows you to toggle the type of the values returned by the Google Sheets API. See the dtypes documentation for more info on the different GoogleValueTypes.


This Tab.

Return type


write_values(data, rng=None, mode='write')

Adds a request to write data. Tab.commit () to commit the requests.

  • data (Sequence[Sequence[Any] | Dict[str, Any]]) – The data to write. Each sequence or dictionary in the passed data is a row, with each value in that sub-iterable being a column. Dictionary keys will be used as a header row in the written data.

  • rng (FullRange, optional) – A specific range to write to, starting with the top-left-most cell in the range, defaults to None, which will write to the top-left-most cell of the Tab.

  • mode (Literal, optional) – Whether to append the data after any populated rows already present in the Tab or to write to the passed rng. Overrides rng if specified. Defaults to “write”.


This Tab.

Return type


classmethod new_tab_request(tab_title, tab_id=None, tab_idx=None, num_rows=1000, num_cols=26)

Creates a dictionary request to create a new tab in a Google Sheet.

  • tab_title (str) – The name of the tab.

  • tab_id (int, optional) – The desired id of the tab, which cannot already exist in the Google Sheet, defaults to None, which will allow the Google Sheet to generate the tab_id.

  • tab_idx (int, optional) – The (0-based) index to create the tab at, defaults to None, meaning the tab will be created as the last tab in the Google Sheet.

  • num_rows (int, optional) – The starting number of rows in the new tab, defaults to 1000.

  • num_cols (int, optional) – The starting number of columns in the new tab, defaults to 26.


A dictionary ready to be passed as a request via a request commit.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


Generates a new tab request dictionary for this Tab. Useful when you have manually instantiated a Tab object instead of fetching it and want to add it to the parent GSheet.


A dictionary ready to be passed as a request via a request commit.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


Convenience method for generating a new tab request based on this Tab and immediately committing it, thus adding it to the parent Google Sheet.


This method will cause a request to be posted to the relevant Google API immediately.


This Tab.

Return type



Convenience method for generating a new Range object in this Tab.


rng (FullRange) – The desired FullRange of the new Range object.


The newly generated Range.

Return type


to_csv(p, header=None)

Saves values to a csv file.

  • p (str | Path) – The path-like for the file to save the data to.

  • header (Sequence[Any], optional) – A header row. If supplied, must be the same number of columns as the data values. Defaults to None.

Return type


to_json(p, header=0)

Saves values to a json file, with one json per line.

  • p (str | Path) – The path-like for the file to save the data to.

  • header (Sequence[Any] | int) – A header row or the index of a row in the values data to use as the header row. The header will be used as the keys for the json-formatted dictionaries. Defaults to 0, using the first row as the header.

Return type



Commits the amassed requests on this view, sending them to the Sheets api as a batch update request.


The response from the api.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


NoConnectionError – If the view’s SheetsConnection is null.

ensure_full_range(backup, rng=None)

Convenience method for ensuring that a range argument that could be None or a string is always a FullRange.


The passed FullRange, or the backup FullRange.

Return type


static gen_alpha_keys(num)

Generates a list of characters from the Latin alphabet a la gsheet/excel headers.


num (int) – The desired length of the list.


A list containing as many letters and letter combos as desired. Can be used to generate sets up to 676 in length.

Return type
