Uploading Files

Using Drive or Folder, you can easily upload any file Google Drive will accept via Autodrive. For example, you can upload a bunch of files right to the root of your Google drive, like so.

from autodrive import Drive

drive = Drive()


Uploading to Folders

You can also upload the files to arbitrary folders, and mix-and-match unspecified and specified target folders using FileUpload objects:

from autodrive import Folder, FileUpload

f1 = Folder("folder_id_1")
f2 = Folder("folder_id_2")

    FileUpload("path/to/a/file.txt", f2),   # Will upload to Folder f2.
    FileUpload("path/to/a/image.png", f1),  # Will upload to Folder f1.
    "path/to/a/spreadsheet.xlsx",           # Will upload to the root.

If you’re uploading to a single folder though, this approach is easier:

folder = Folder("folder_id_1")

# All of these files will be uploaded to the same folder:

Converting to Google Formats

You can also convert the files right to the appropriate Google Drive format during upload.


Google specifies how this conversion must work, so Autodrive will detect the type of the file you upload and use Google’s rules to determine what Google format it should be converted to. You may get some unexpected results if you choose to convert a file that doesn’t obviously correspond to a Google format.

    FileUpload("path/to/a/file.txt", convert=True),         # To Google Doc.
    "path/to/a/image.png",                                  # Format unchanged.
    FileUpload("path/to/a/spreadsheet.xlsx", convert=True), # To Google Sheet.