Simple Output

Autodrive offers some simple output functionality for creating csv and json files from the data in your Range, Tab, and GSheet objects.

Outputting Ranges and Tabs

Outputting the fetched data for Range and Tab objects is quite easy, all you really need to do is specify a path to write to:

# Optionally you can insert a header row:
tab.to_csv("path/to/your/file.csv", header=["column_a", "column_b", "column_c"])

# For to_json, you can specifiy the header row manually or with an index
# in the data:
tab.to_json("path/to/your/file.json", header=["column_a", "column_b", "column_c"])
tab.to_json("path/to/your/file.json", header=2)  # for the data in the 3rd row:

Outputting GSheets

Outputting GSheet objects is only slightly more complicated. If you only specify a path to a directory (not a file), then every Tab in the GSheet will be output as individual files. For example, if you have an object with three tabs (named Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3), then this will output 3 files:

import os



Overriding Filenames

By default, the files will be named the same as the corresponding tab titles, but you can override this behavior:

# Only the tab names you pass will be overridden:
    filename_overrides={"Sheet1": "sums", "Sheet2": "averages"}
    filename_overrides={"Sheet1": "sums"}


Headers and Tab Subsets

You can also simultaneously limit the specific tabs output and/or set the header(s) output with each file:

# If you specify any Tab names as kwargs, only the tabs you specify will be
# output:
    filename_overrides={"Sheet1": "sums"},
    Sheet1=["column_a", "column_b", "column_c"],
    Sheet2=None  # use None to output Tabs even if you don't supply a header.
    Sheet3=["column_a", "column_b", "column_c"],
    Sheet2=0  # For to_json you MUST specify a header, or pass an index.
