
The Tabs and Ranges both have a suite of Formatting attributes, which provide a wide range of methods that, when called, add a request to update the connected Google Sheet’s formatting once committed. They are grouped into three areas, cell, grid, and text. These breakdowns are designed to make it as convenient as possible to locate the desired formatting you wish to apply right in your IDE.


Cell formatting methods update the features of the cell(s) targeted, providing easy ways to add backgrounds, borders, and the like:

# This will add conditional formatting to the whole tab that will make every
# other row have a different color:
tab.format_cell.add_alternating_row_background(Color(0.5, 1, 0.5))


Grid formatting methods update the underlying grid of a tab, including the size of cells, the number of rows and columns, and other features of the Google Sheet:

# This will set the width of all columns in the tab to the width of their
# contents, as if you'd double-clicked on the right edge of the column
# divider:


Not all formatting methods are duplicated between Tab and Range. For example, Tab.format_grid provides a number of methods relating to inserting and deleting rows that wouldn’t make sense to apply to a Range.


Finally, text formatting methods update the textual formatting of the cell contents. This includes anything that can appear within the cell, so despite the name, number formatting is also applied via text formatting methods:

from autodrive.interfaces import AccountingFormat

# Will apply the "accounting" mask to any numeric contents in the cell(s):


All the formatting methods return their parent Formatting object, so you can easily generate a bunch of different formatting requests by chaining methods together:

    .insert_rows(num_rows=5, at_row=10)
    .insert_rows(num_rows=1, at_row=40)

More Info

There are many more methods provided by the Tab and Range objects’ format_cell, format_grid, and format_text properties than are covered here. For a complete listing of the currently available methods, see the Formatting documentation.